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Marca Leon Canola Oil 500ML SUP


Oil Type: Canola Oil Volume: 500ML Packaging: SUP Product Description: Marca Leon Canola Oil is exclusively imported from Australia and made from a high breed non-GMO canola that's rich in Omegas 3 and 6, and is free from harmful Erucic Acid, unlike Rapeseed oil. It is one of the few...

Oil Type: Canola Oil
Volume: 500ML
Packaging: SUP

Product Description:
Marca Leon Canola Oil is exclusively imported from Australia and made from a high breed non-GMO canola that's rich in Omegas 3 and 6, and is free from harmful Erucic Acid, unlike Rapeseed oil.
It is one of the few oils with the lowest saturated fat content, which lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. It has an ideal ratio of Omega 3 and 6 for an average person's diet for that added protection against heart disease.
Marca Leon Canola Oil comes from oil that's Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by USDA, making it the best option for cooking up heart-friendly dishes and maintaining good health.